- Naisya Balela, Postoperative enterocolitis assessment using two different cut-off value in Hirschsprung patients undergoing Duhamel and Soave pullthrough, Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Daring Bedah Anak, Perbani 2020
- Munawir Makkadafi, Diagnosis of Appendicitis in children using white blood cell count and C-reactive proteint, Research, PABI 2017
- Munawir Makkadafi, Congenital Obstruction in neonates: Clinical Presentation and Outcome, PABI, 2017
- Dedi Prasetya, Mesenteric Cyst Lymphangioma in children : a Case Series, “1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEALTH SCIENCE 2016” , Speaker Poster Presentation, Yogyakarta 28-29 Oktober 2016
- Eko Purnomo, Ratio of neutrophil and lymphocyte as an indicator of acute inflammatory response of pediatric patient with Hirschsprung disease who undergone pull through procedures in Indonesia, 24th Congress of the Asian Association of Pediatric Surgeons & the 53rd Annual Congress of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons, Fukuoka, Japan, 2016 Poster
- Eko Purnomo, Neutrophyl-lymphocyte ratio after colostomy, posterior sagital anorectoplasty and stoma closure in the treatment of anorectal malformation, 24th Congress of the Asian Association of Pediatric Surgeons & the 53rd Annual Congress of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons, Fukuoka, Japan, 2016 Poster
- Manohara Maruti, coagulation profile for predictor of survival of biliary atresia patients post kasai procedure in sardjito hospital, poster, ICHS Yogyakarta 2016
- Zikrul Haikal,Accuracy of Procalcitonin and C-Reactive protein for diagnosing complicated appendicitis in children, Research, ICHS Yogyakarta 2016, Best free paper presentation
- Elena Sophia S, High frequency of Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis post Duhamel in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, Poster, ICHS 2016
- Munawir Makkadafi, Outcome of Kasai procedure beyond 60 days of life : A single institutional experience, Case Serial, ICHS, 2016
- Gita Anggreyni, Relapse of Immature gastric teratoma: A rae case report, Poster, PERBANI annual event 2016
- Gita Anggreyni, The incidence of Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis following SOAVE procedure, Research, ICHS 2016
- Andika Purba S,Association between pre-operative and post-operative enterocolitis in hirschsprung patients, Poster, ICHS Yogyakarta, 2016
- Hafni Zuchra N, Colorectal Carcinoma on 13 year old boy, Case Report, PERBANI Annual event, 2016
- Hafni Zuchra N, Prognostic Factor for Bilirubin Clearance in Biliary Atresia Patients, Poster, ICHS 2016
- Andi Lestiono, Esophagus Stricture after Atresia Esophagus primary anastomosis in children, Case Report, PERBANI annual event, 2016
- Dian Nirmala S, Congenital Diaphragma Hernia, Case Report, PERBANI Annual event, 2016
- Dedi Prasetya, Combination therapy of Cystic Hygroma Colli in 1 month old boy: Case Report , ” 20th NATIONAL CONGRESS OF INDONESIAN SURGEONS ASSOCIATIONS (MABI XX 2015)” , Speaker Poster presentation, Surabaya 20-22 Agustus 2015
- Manohara Maruti, ileocaecocolic intususeption due to meckels diverticulum : a rare case , poster, MABI Surabaya 2015
- Eko Purnomo, Acute inflammatory response of pediatric patient with Hirschsprung disease who undergone pull through procedures, Muktamar PERBANI XXII, Palembang Indonesia, 2015, Oral Presentation
- Hafni Zuchra N, Ekstrofi Bladder, P2B2 XII PABI Malang, Poster, 2015
- Munawir Makkadafi, Anorectal malformation with descendent colonic duplication (with rectourethral fistula), Case Report, MABI 2015
- Gita Anggreyni, Gastric Volvulus, Poster, MABI 2015
- Andika Purba S,Picture of Hirschsprung Disease in RSUP. Dr. Sardjito, Jogjakarta. Oral presentation, PERBANI annual event, Palembang 2015
- Elena Sophia S, Result after Transanal Endorectal Pullthrough in Hirschsprung Disease On Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, Oral Presentation, PERBANI Annual event 2015
- Eko Purnomo ,Vascular calcification in animal model ,The 39th Biennial World Congress of The International College of Surgeons (ICS-2014) , Oral Presentation
- Manohara Maruti, testicle tumour caused by leukemic infiltration : a case report, poster, ICS Bali 2014
- Dedi Prasetya, The Correlation among Age, Nutritional state and Laboratoric Profile of Peritonitis Event of Paediatrics Intussusception in Dr Sardjito Hospital 2008-2012, “THE 19th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF IKABI” Podium Presentation Semarang 22-24 Agustus 2013